
Yaochien Chen

陳堯健牧師 Yaochien Chen (主任牧師 Senior Pastor)

陳堯健牧師祖籍四川眉山,生於台灣台南,長於台灣台北,重生於美國。1986年畢業於台灣政治大學教育學系;1986-1988在台灣海軍陸戰隊服役。與妻子陳秀玲是大學同班同學,1991年兩人一起來美國密蘇里州繼續研讀教育。1992年一起信主受洗。1996年清楚蒙召預備全職服事,2000年全家到Kansas City的Calvary Theological Seminary進修教牧課程,並在密蘇里州哥倫比亞華人教會及基督工人中心服事。2003修畢道學碩士課程後,先後在基督工人中心作校園傳道人,及在伊利諾州碧城華人教會牧會,並於2005年按立成為牧師。2011-2017在密蘇里聖路易市開拓並牧養教會,2017年9月開始在華人福音堂服事。



Eric Sandberg (英文部牧師 English Pastor)

Pastor Eric Sandberg has been at CGCM since April, 2015. He and Kathy moved from the Midwest to start their time at CGCM as the youth minister. In the Fall of 2019, Eric switched to the pastor of English Ministries (LifeLight). He was ordained in August of 2020.  Eric enjoys the variety of congregation members that the English ministry allows him to interact with: youth, college students, young professionals, and all other adults. His goal is to help the congregation to see Jesus as the “hero” of every story in the Bible so that they can rest in the finished work on the cross for their salvation and growth in being more like Jesus in their lives. 

Pastor Eric also serves as a Military Chaplain at Hanscom Air Force Base (MA) as a Reservist. He has been in the military since 2004 and serving as a reserve chaplain since 2011. 

Eric and Kathy enjoy cooking all types of food, playing with their dogs, exercising, traveling, and keeping up with their 10 nieces and nephews!


余頌恆牧師 Ivan Yu (青少年部牧師 Youth Pastor)

Pastor Ivan Yu is a native of Massachusetts. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior while growing up attending church in Chinatown. He moved to the Albany, NY area in 2010 to study at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and graduated with a B.S. in Science, Technology, and Society in 2014. During college, God’s call for him to serve as a pastor got stronger. He studied at the Northeast Branch of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and graduated with a Master of Divinity in 2017. While in seminary, he interned at a Chinese-ethnic church in Albany before serving as the English Pastor there from 2016-2020 to minister to youth, college students, and young adults. God led him back to Massachusetts to pastor at CGCM in November 2020.

Pastor Ivan is very passionate about preaching God’s Word and equipping the church to defend the Christian faith for effective evangelism. He is currently studying for a Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University. He is happily married to his wife, Joyce, and they have a daughter named Olive and a son named Davian. Pastor Ivan enjoys reading, writing, playing piano by ear, audio/video editing, and watching Anime.

蕭民傳道 Min Xiao(中文部傳道 Chinese Minister)



魏華蓉 Lisa Wei (行政部主任 Administrator)

魏華蓉出生於台灣台南市,是第三代的基督徒,從小在教會長大。2001年畢業於台南科技大學,從事服務業擔任行銷副理。2005 年結婚後來波士頓定居。我和先生張堅毅和二個兒子廷睿、君睿,現住在Northborough鎮。喜歡全家人一起出遊、陪小孩打羽毛球,閒暇時閱讀。現任麻省華人福音堂行政,華人福音堂是個溫 馨、快樂的大家庭,歡迎大家來和我們一同敬拜神。


何若珍牧師 Roujen Ho (教會顧問/退休主任牧師 Senior Pastor)

何若珍牧師出生於台灣高雄市。 1978年畢業於台灣東海大學經濟系。 1980年來美國康州繼續研讀經濟。 1985年加入華人福音堂參與事奉。他在1992年初次參觀訪問中國大陸之後蒙召預備全職服事,並於1998-2000年期間進入戈登康威爾神學院進修宗教學. 2000年7月課程結束後,正式接受教會邀請擔任華人福音堂傳道,並於2002年受按立成為牧師。
