2024 甲辰龙年 麻省华人福音堂

  1. 蔚蓝小组:赞美诗歌(合唱)恩典之路、明天会更好
  2. 更新团契:格桑拉(藏族舞)
  3. 长青/恩典团契:太极剑
  4. 东区团契:喜笑颜开闹元宵(三句半)
  5. 特别节目:田心&天硕 歌伴舞《如愿》(男女对唱)
  6. 更新团契:父亲的草原母亲的河(男生合唱)
  7. 姐妹团契:趣味猜谜
  8. 朝阳团契:我愿意(器乐和合唱)
  9. 广东团契:诗朗诵 1喜贺年 2春节传佳话 3新岁、新人、新经历
  10. 特别节目:Ethan Liu独唱Escamillo’s Aria
  11. 晨光团契:可可托海的牧羊人(舞蹈)
  12. 南区团契:摄影作品欣赏
  13. 特别节目:杨书旺 变脸
  14. Metrowest幸福团契: 合唱 相亲相爱一家人
  15. Youth: 舞蹈 我要上春晚

February 16th, 2024

Posted In: 公告 (Announcement)

需要更新通讯录的会友,请于 1/28 前,在下面连结 填写 / 更新你的资料,谢谢。

December 29th, 2023

Posted In: 公告 (Announcement)

December 20th, 2023

Posted In: 公告 (Announcement)

Advent 是將要來臨的意思。

傳統上,待降節開始於聖誕節前的第四個週日 (通常都是感恩節後的那個的週日),並且每週都會有一個專注的主題。今年教會將採用【Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Advent & Christmas】為每日靈修材料。灵修书籍亚马逊书店链接

12/3-9 盼望 Hope

12/10-16 平安 Peace

12/17-23 喜樂 Joy

12/24-25 愛 Love



請大家保存待降節讀經播放列表,打開CGCM YouTube頻道通知,每天早晨6點會有新的讀經視頻發佈。



Devotional Prayer Plan for CGCM Advent 2023
Advent means coming.
It is a time when we reflect on the moment in history when Jesus came into the word as a baby two thousand years ago.
It is also a time when we can allow Him to come into our hearts in more meaningful ways today.
For all of us, Advent could be a time of preparation which provides an opportunity to experience Christmas—the glow of the candles, the celebration of the birth, and the beauty of the story of God using ordinary people in extraordinary ways—for more than a day.

Traditionally, Advent begins the fourth Sunday before Christmas (usually right after Thanksgiving in November) and focuses on four themes. For this year, those themes are:

12/3-9 盼望Hope

12/10-16 平安Peace

12/17-23 喜樂Joy

12/24-25 愛Love

This year, we will adopt “Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Advent & Christmas” to be our devotional resource. In every morning, there is one pastor leading the devotion.

I invite and encourage all my brothers and sisters at CGCM to join this Advent devotional praying plan to read, mediate, pray and walk in Christ every day. Let us have a different Christmas this year and prepare to walk with the Lord in the new year.

Please save the playlist of Bible readings for the Advent and open the CGCM YouTube channel notification. New Bible reading videos will be released at 6am every morning.

Pastor Chen

Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Advent and Christmas
DateDaily ScripturesDevotion LeaderNotes
1st Week : Hope, Ps. 25:4-5
12/3Is. 9:2Chen
12/4Is. 40:31Sandberg
12/52 Pe. 1:19Xiao
12/6He. 11:1-2Yu
12/7Jn. 8:12Chen
12/8Is. 42:6-7Sandberg
12/9Pr. 19:7Xiao
2nd Week: Peace, Is. 54:10
12/102Pe. 1:2Yu
12/11Is. 9:6Chen
12/12Rm. 5:1Sandberg
12/13Ph. 4:12Xiao
12/14Jn. 14:27Yu
12/15Ps. 29:11Chen
12/16Lk. 1:79Sandberg
3rd Week: Joy, Ps. 5:11
12/17Lk. 2:20Xiao
12/181Th. 5:16-18Yu
12/191Jn. 3:1Chen
12/20Is. 7:14Sandberg
12/21Is. 55:12Xiao
12/22Jn. 16:22Yu
4th Week: Love, Ps. 5:11
12/24Lk. 2:10-11; 17-18Xiao
12/25Jm. 1:17Yu

December 3rd, 2023

Posted In: 公告 (Announcement)


  • 周五儿童聚会 (Children Friday Fellowship): 7:15 pm-8:45 pm
  • 主日诗歌崇拜 (Sunday Worship) : 9:45 am-10:10 am
  • 主日学 (Sunday School) : 10:15 am-11:15 am


  1. Nursery (age 1~3 before Sep.)
  2. Room 123 (Children entering preschool in Sep.)
  3. Room 117 (Children entering K~G3 in Sep.)
  4. Room 128 (Children entering G4~G5 in Sep.)


暑假期间,有3个主日(7/2、8/6、9/3)的中英联合崇拜。届时我们将没有 K-G5 的主日学(nursery 和 preschool 不受影响),只提供简单的儿童看顾。鼓励 K-G5 年级的儿童与父母一起参与联合崇拜。届时的儿童看顾在 Room 117,有需要的小朋友可以在唱诗结束后,跟随 preschool 一起出去,前往教室。


July 2nd, 2023

Posted In: ChildrenMinistry, 公告 (Announcement)

  1. 宣召 陳牧師
  2. 诗歌: 至聖之首受創傷 詩班/會眾
  3. 短視頻:基督受難
  4. 默想/禱告/詩歌(哈利路亞奇妙救主) 詩班/會眾
  5. 诗歌: 看那人子 詩班
  6. 讲道: 蕭傳道
  7. 圣餐 陳牧師
    a. 詩歌 哈利路亞奇妙救主
  1. 诗歌: 君王就在這裡 讚美隊/会众
  2. 詩歌:歌頌復活主 讚美隊/會眾
  3. 詩歌:看那人子 詩班
  4. 读经:路加福音24:30-37,44-48 詩班
  5. 诗歌:The Bell of Easter 兒童/诗班
  6. 讲道 陈牧师
  7. 诗歌:奇異的愛 诗班
  8. 圣餐 陳牧師
    a 詩歌 因著十架愛 詩班

April 3rd, 2023

Posted In: 公告 (Announcement)

CGCMCGCW 兩教會今年將聯合舉辦儿童暑期圣经学校 (VBS),時間是 6/26-6/30 举行。

今年的主題是 星空(STELLAR) 歡迎今年 4 岁(8/30 以前)到五年级的小朋友們來報名參加。報名開放時間是周日(3/12)晚 8 點,鏈接如下:

兒童注冊表 (Children registration)

VBS 每天的營會都需要義工幫助。如果你對 VBS 做義工有興趣,請在下面鏈接報名,報名開放時間也是 周日(3/12)晚 8 點

青少年義工注冊表 (Youth Volunteer Registration)

成人義工注冊表 (Adult Volunteer Registration)

March 10th, 2023

Posted In: ChildrenMinistry, 公告 (Announcement)

麻省華人福音堂Chinese Gospel Church in Massachusetts
2023 Chinese New Year Celebration
(Hosts: Alexandra Liu & Qiyuan Yang)

Pastor Ivan 春節祝福

Chinese New Year Greetings by Pastor Ivan

  1. 儿童恭贺新禧 (4’)
    Happy New Year from CGCM Children
  2. 儿童女声獨唱:十二月回想曲 动画片真假公主插曲 (潘美贝尔 7岁)
    Solo: Once upon a December (Mirabel Weston) (2’30”)
  3. 青少年男声獨唱:多姿多彩的梦 电影马戏之王插曲 (刘思远 13岁)
    Solo: A Million Dreams, from The Greatest Showman (Anthony Liu) (4’25”)
  4. 青少年男声獨唱:罗西尼的歌剧 塞维利亚的理发师选段 费加罗的咏叹调
    快给大忙人让路 (刘致远 16岁)
    Solo: Opera Figaro’s Aria from Barber of Seville (Ethan Liu) (5’05”)
  5. 弦乐演奏: 主赐福如春雨 (钢琴: 江安宁; 小提琴: 张艾诗; 大提琴: 许艾略; 长笛: 王进 )(3’04”)
    Rain of Blessings (Piano by Madeline Jiang, Violins by Dorothy Zhang, Cello by Elliot Xu, Flute
    by Jane Wang)
  6. 詩班合唱(车韵颖指挥,陈棉鋼琴伴奏,骆主元电子琴伴奏):
    Choir (Directed by Jenny Che, Piano by Norman Chan, Keyboard by David Luo):
        我們愛讓世界不一樣 Our love changes the world (5’16”)
        青花瓷 Blue and white porcelain (3’30”)
  7. 藏族舞蹈:夢見你的那一夜(更新團契)(4’02”)
    Dance:The night I dreamed of you (Renewal Fellowship)
  8. 合唱: 主恩福伴随(廣東團契)(3’12”)
    Chorus: Lord’s blessing (Cantonese Fellowship)
  9. 川剧变脸(晨光團契 杨书旺)(3’30”)
    Sichuan Opera Face Changing (Shuwang Yang)
  10. 合唱:我今天为你祝福(恩典團契 & 长青團契,兰建萍钢琴伴奏)(3’02”)
    Chorus: Today I pray for you (Grace and Evergreen Fellowships. Piano by Jianping Lan)
  11. 女声独唱:我的神我要敬拜你(晨光團契 逯建丽演唱)(2’04”)
    Solo: My God I want to worship thee(Jianli Lu)
  12. 小品:爱你在心口难开(朝阳團契)(10’)
    Skit:More than I can say (Young Professional Fellowship)
  13. 女聲小合唱+旗袍秀:从前慢 (4’02”)(朝阳團契, 晨光團契和更新團契)
    Female Vocal Group & Qipao Show: Once was slow
    (Young professional, Morning Light, Renewal Fellowships)
  14. 男聲小合唱: 海港之夜(更新團契, 陈棉鋼琴伴奏)(5’34”)
    Male Vocal Group: The night at harbor (Renewal Fellowship, Piano by Norman Chan)
  15. 夕阳美功夫扇 金湘君(南区团契)(4’)
    Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan (by Xiangjun Jin, Southern District Fellowship)
  16. 合唱: 你坐着为王 (东区團契, 骆主元鋼琴伴奏)(4’02)
    Chorus: You sit enthroned (Eastern District Fellowship, Piano by David Luo)
  17. 猜一猜 (有奖品)(姊妹團契)(4’10”)
    Riddles (by Sister Fellowship)
  18. 蒙古舞蹈: 心上的羅加(晨光團契)(4’10”)
    Dance: Roga on Heart (by Morning Light Fellowship)
  19. 舞蹈:活力四射小苹果(CGCM青少年)(3’31”)
    Fitness Dance: Little apple (CGCM Youth)
  20. 女声独唱: 但願人長久 (朝阳团契 王凯敏演唱,何子巍钢琴伴奏)(3’)

难忘今宵 (3‘30“)

Solo: May we all be blessed with longevity (Kaimin Wang, Piano by William He)

Unforgettable night

  1. 合唱: 全然為你(請全體演員上台,請觀眾也一起合唱)(4’54”)
    Chorus: Devoted to You (Audiences are invited to sing together.)

Benediction by Elder Shu-Tsui Tu

January 16th, 2023

Posted In: 公告 (Announcement)

December 19th, 2022

Posted In: 公告 (Announcement)


又是一年的 holiday season,教會會有不少的聚會。但最近 Covid 和流行感也還比較多,希望家長,孩子,和老師一起努力,盡量保證孩子們在教會的平安和健康。


  • 如果小朋友有發燒,Covid 或流感,請在家休息。如果有流鼻涕,咳嗽等症狀,請務必戴口罩
  • 每周日 9:50-10:10 的兒童敬拜是和英文部一起進行的,如果孩子新來教會,或是有困難 follow instruction,請家長務必留下陪伴。 
  • 孩子午餐時間是 12:30 結束,老師會在 12:35 后離開。因此請家長務必在 12:35 前到教室接孩子
  • 如果孩子午餐后到大堂玩,請家長之間互相 coordinate,確保有成人陪同,以保證孩子的安全。



December 18th, 2022

Posted In: ChildrenMinistry, 公告 (Announcement)

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