Advent 是將要來臨的意思。
傳統上,待降節開始於聖誕節前的第四個週日 (通常都是感恩節後的那個的週日),並且每週都會有一個專注的主題。今年教會仍將採用【Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Advent & Christmas】為每日靈修材料。

請大家保存待降節讀經播放列表,打開CGCM YouTube頻道通知,每天早晨6點會有新的讀經視頻發佈。


陳牧師 11.25.2024

12/1-7 盼望 Hope

12/8-14平安 Peace

12/15-21 喜樂 Joy

12/22-25愛 Love

Devotional Prayer Plan for CGCM Advent 2024
Advent means coming.
It is a time when we reflect on the moment in history when Jesus came into the word as a baby two thousand years ago.
It is also a time when we can allow Him to come into our hearts in more meaningful ways today.
For all of us, Advent could be a time of preparation which provides an opportunity to experience Christmas—the glow of the candles, the celebration of the birth, and the beauty of the story of God using ordinary people in extraordinary ways—for more than a day.

Traditionally, Advent begins the fourth Sunday before Christmas (usually right after Thanksgiving in November) and focuses on four themes. For this year, those themes are:

12/1-7 盼望Hope

12/8-14 平安Peace



This year, we will adopt “Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Advent & Christmas” to be our devotional resource. In every morning, there is one brother/sister of CGCM leading the devotion.

I invite and encourage all my brothers and sisters at CGCM to join this Advent devotional praying plan to read, mediate, pray and walk in Christ every day. Let us have a different Christmas this year and prepare to walk with the Lord in the new year.

Please save the playlist of Bible readings for the Advent and open the CGCM YouTube channel notification. New Bible reading videos will be released at 6am every morning.

Pastor Chen

Walking with Jesus: Devotions for Advent and Christmas
DateDaily ScripturesDevotion LeaderNotes
1st Week : Hope, Ps. 25:4-5
12/1Is. 9:2晨光1
12/2Is. 40:31朝陽2
12/32 Pe. 1:19MetroWest3
12/4He. 11:1-2更新4
12/5Jn. 8:12姊妹5
12/6Is. 42:6-7東區6
12/7Is. 42:3南區7
2nd Week: Peace, Is. 54:10
12/82Pe. 1:2廣東8
12/9Is. 9:6長青/恩典9
12/10Rm. 5:1English10
12/11Ph. 4:12Youth11
12/12Jn. 14:27晨光12
12/13Ps. 29:11朝陽13
12/14Lk. 1:79MetroWest14
3rd Week: Joy, Ps. 5:11
12/15Lk. 2:20更新15
12/161Th. 5:16-18姊妹16
12/171Jn. 3:1東區17
12/18Is. 7:14南區18
12/19Is. 55:12廣東19
12/20Jn. 16:22長青/恩典20
4th Week: Love, Jh. 3:16
12/22Phi. 2:5-11Youth22
12/24Lk. 2:10-1424
12/251Jn. 4:925

November 30th, 2024

Posted In: 公告 (Announcement)