1/23/2022 更新: 由於 Covid 的情況還沒有大大好轉,教會決定繼續取消二月份的實體聚會的時間。因此二月份的兒童主日學會持續現在的網上模式。謝謝大家的理解。

1/23/2022 update: Because the number of new Covid cases is still large, the church decides to continue the cancelation of in-person gatherings into February. Therefore, the children’s ministry will continue the current online schedule. Thank you for your understanding.


為方便起見,這周日全部班級都使用同一個 zoom。schedule 大體上和實體聚會時一樣,9:50-10:10 先一起 worship,然後分年級進入breakout room 上主日學 (10:10~10:50)。(具體結束時間老師會根據各班情況作相應調整。)

Zoom Meeting ID: 825 6284 5716
Passcode: cgcm


兒童部 (12/26/2021)

Because of found Covid cases in our church, starting from this Sunday (12/26), the children’s Sunday school will be changed to an online format for a month. Thank you for your understanding and support.

The schedule of the online Sunday school will be more or less the same. We will worship from 9:50-10:10, and then assign students to different breakout rooms in Zoom.

Zoom Meeting ID: 825 6284 5716
Passcode: cgcm


Children Ministry (12/26/2021)

December 26th, 2021

Posted In: ChildrenMinistry, 公告 (Announcement)