方法一:銀行轉賬(Bank Transfer)

Bank of America

Chinese Gospel Church of MA

Please email the financial deacon at finance@cgcm.org for routing# and checking account #. 


Account name: Chinese Gospel Church of MA
Email address: finance@cgcm.org


方法二:郵寄支票(Pay by Check)

請寄支票到教會,支票的抬頭 CGCM, memo 請註明:主日奉獻或賑災基金:Attn. Jo Ho

Please make the check payable to CGCM, with “General fund” or “Disaster Relief Fund” on the memo line. Please mail the check to:

Attn. Jo Ho
60 Turnpike Rd,
Southboro, MA 01772



Pay by Credit Card

A transaction fee will be charged by the bank.



A transaction fee will be charged by PayPal.


方法五:股票捐贈 (Stock Donation)

CGCM accepts stocks of publicly traded companies in the U.S. as donations.
Stocks can be donated to CGCM’s stock brokerage account with Fidelity Investments.

A. For transferring from a non-Fidelity stock brokerage account:

1. Contact your stock brokerage firms and inform them of the name of the stocks and the amount that
you would like to donate to CGCM. They have their own specific form and or online process.
2. You will be asked to provide the account name, account #, and DTC # for CGCM:

a. Our account name is Chinese Gospel Church of Massachusetts
b. Our Account number is X10-331430
c. DTC # is 0226

3. You must notify the Finance Deacon via email at Finance@CGCM.org of your name, and what
funds you would like the donations to be given to (General, Mission, Loving Care, Disaster
Relief and Community Service), the number of shares, and the name of the shares you are
donating and when you expect the donations to be made.

B. For transferring from a Fidelity Account

1. All requests to transfer shares as a gift between Fidelity accounts must be done in writing.
The following information must be provided in a signed letter of instruction:

a. Your Account information
– Name of all registered owners
– Your brokerage account number
– Current recorded address of the account
– Your daytime telephone number
b. CGCM information:
– Our account name is Chinese Gospel Church of Massachusetts
– Our Account number is X10-331430
– DTC # is 0226

2. Similar to transferring from a non-Fidelity account, you must notify the Finance Deacon via email at Finance@CGCM.org of your name, what funds you would like the donations to be given to (General, Missions, Love and Care, Disaster Relief and Community Service), the number of shares and name of the shares you are donating and when you expect the donations to be made.