“四十年的恩典之路 (40 YEARS ON THE PATH OF GRACE)”

1982 一月二十六日教会成立, 开始在黄一匡弟兄家聚会
The church was founded on Jan. 26, and began meeting at Raymond Wong’s house
1983 聚会搬迁到Framingham 的Brophy School.
Church meeting moved from Raymond Wong’s house to Brophy School in Framingham.
1986 Worcester 查经班加入华人福音堂
Worcester Bible study group joins the church.
1987 第一届执事会成立, 推选黄一匡、陈于津、倪长春、何若珍四位弟兄为执事。黄一匡弟兄被推选为首届执事会主席
Raymond Wong, Dick Chen, Eugene Ngai, and Rou-Jen Ho elected to the first deacon board. Raymond Wong elected as the first chair of the deacon board.
1988 黄一匡弟兄受按立成为第一位长老
Raymond Wong was ordained to become the first elder of the church.
1989 陈于津弟兄负责开始建堂计划
Dick Chen began CGCM building project.
CGCM began its Sisters Fellowship.

1991 章开第传道担任福音堂第一位全职教牧同工
Caleb Chang became the first full-time minister at CGCM.
CGCM began its Grace and Renewal Fellowships.

1992 聚会地点迁到Framingham 的South High School
Church meetings moved to Framingham South High School.
CGCM began its Cantonese Fellowship.

1994 购得Southborough 现在堂址,整修后,于10 月初搬入。
CGCM purchased the current facility in April and began meetings in October
Tina Chen elected to be the first CGCM deaconess.

1995 献堂典礼 (3/26)
CGCM held its building dedication ceremony on March 26th.
首次通过教会宪章及施行细则 (12/17)
CGCM’s first bylaws passed on December 17th.

1996 章开第传道赴匹兹堡任新职
Minister Caleb Chang left for a new post in Pittsburgh, PA.
CGCM began its Morning Light Fellowship.

1999 建立Worcester 分堂事工,正式开始主日崇拜。
CGCM planted its Worcester ministry on January 3rd.
差派第一对宣教士 Ben & Catherine Kuo
Ben & Catherine Kuo commissioned as church’s first overseas missionaries.

Joyce Tsang became the director of youth ministry.

Susan Latimer 姊妹任职儿童部主任
Susan Latimer became the director of children’s ministry.

首次儿童暑期圣经学校,主题Noah (8/15)
CGCM hosted its first VBS with the theme “Noah”.

2000 何若珍弟兄蒙召,担任教会传道。
Rou-Jen Ho called to be CGCM minister.
Guo-an Zhang and Kai-Chiang Chang elected and ordained as elders.

2001 徐志秋传道加入教牧同工,协助 Worcester 分堂事工。
Minister Timothy Xu joined CGCM to lead the Worcester ministry.
CGCM began its English Worship.

Jenny Kao became CGCM administrator.

2002 教会廿年志庆
CGCM celebrated its 20th anniversary.
何若珍传道受按立为牧师 (11/3)
Rou-Jen Ho ordained as the first CGCM pastor on November 3rd.

2003 Worcester 分堂财务独立,并筹款建堂基金。
CGCW became financially independent.
2004 徐理强弟兄受按立为长老 (2/2)
George Hsu ordained as CGCM elder.
Anderson Huang became the English minister.

Yan Kao became the director of the children’s ministry.

儿童部周五晚开办 Pioneer Club
Children’s ministry begins Friday night Pioneer Club program.

2005 Worcester 分堂行政独立,吾思德华人福音堂成立第一届执事会。
CGCW became administratively independent.
Pastor Rou-Jen Ho became the senior pastor of CGCM.

Joyce Tsang became the youth minister.

Minister Timothy Xu ordained as pastor of CGCW.

2006 黄一匡长老正式退休,全家移居加州。
Elder Raymond Wong retired and moved to California.
华人福音堂 Southborough 主堂开始第一期扩堂工程
CGCM began the first phase church building expansion.

2007 吾思德华人福音堂5 月迁入21 Belmont Street 现址
CGCW purchased building on 21 Belmont St. in May.
曾加乐传道受按立为牧师。 (8/11)
Joyce Tsang ordained as a pastor on August 11th.

华人福音堂与吾思德华人福音堂举行「联合户外崇拜」,并差派曾加乐牧师,前往泰国宣教。 (9/16)
CGCM and CGCW hold a joint outdoor worship service. Pastor Joyce Tsang commissioned as a missionary to Thailand.

Shu-Tsui Tu and Jingsheng Liang ordained as elders of CGC on October 20th.

2008 卢光道弟兄任青少年部传道
Timothy Lo joined the pastoral staff as the youth minister.
华人福音堂Southborough 主堂多功能大楼献堂(10/25)
CGCM Southborough dedicated its new building on October 25th.

Chin Shiau joined the pastoral staff and became a Chinese minster.

儿童部周五晚开办AWANA Club
Children’s ministry began Friday night AWANA Club program.

2009 成立朝阳团契
CGCM began its Young Professionals Fellowship.
Rev. Rou-Jen Ho taking his sabbatical year.

2010 主日中文堂增加为两堂崇拜聚会
Sunday Mandarin worship service expands to two services.
2011 晨祷月会 (1/22)
Monthly early Saturday prayer meetings began on January 22nd.
北美华神延伸课程 (3/31)
CGCM hosted its first China Evangelical Seminary North America Extension and Masters Degree programs.

David Chu and Qinsheng Lin ordained as elders of CGCM on April 16th.

差派徐浩恩弟兄为第四位宣教士, 参与维吉尼亚大学的亚裔学生事工。 (6/19)
Gregory Hsu commissioned as the 4th missionary from CGCM.

成立南区团契 (9/9)
CGCM began its Franklin Fellowship on September 9th.

Minister Chin Shiau ordained as a CGCM pastor.

吾思德华人福音堂新购堂址于43 Belmont Street
CGCW purchased building on 43 Belmont St. in December.

2012 卅周年志庆 (1/26)
Happy 30th year anniversary!
Steve Misarski 任英语部牧师
Pastor Steve Misarski joined CGCM

2014 成立东区团契
CGCM began its Eastern Fellowship in Wayland
2015 边士英弟兄、徐志雄弟兄受按立为长老(3/14)
Shyhing Pien, Joe Xu ordained as elders of CGCM on March 14th
Eric Sandberg 任青少年部传道 (4/1)
Eric Sandberg joined the pastoral staff as the youth minister on April 1st.

Pastor Sze Ho Lui joined CGCM on April 1st

2020 Eric Sandberg 任英语部牧师
Eric Sandberg ordained as English Pastor
Ivan Yu 任青少年部牧师
Ivan Yu joined CGCM as the Youth Pastor

September 26th, 2022

Posted In: DevotionTestimony, Testimony