Set Apart & Sent Out #6 – Where is God’s Presence?

Sermon date: February 23, 2025

Scripture: Acts 4:32-5:11

Pastor Eric Sandberg

CGCM English Service

  • What was the controversy between the religious leaders and the apostles? What is the sign of God’s presence in Acts 4:32-37? 
  • Do I see those characteristics in my own life? 
  • Why is the result of Ananais and Sapphira lying so severe? 
  • How easy is it for me to lie in order to position myself, promote myself or protect myself? What does Jesus want me to know during those times? 

Set Apart & Sent Out #1 – Overlapping Worlds

Sermon date: January 12, 2025

Scripture: Acts 1:1-11

Pastor Eric Sandberg

CGCM English Service

  • How does the promise of the Spirit show us that “heaven and earth” are meant to overlap?
  • What does it mean that the ‘life of Jesus is lived out in his followers’ in Acts and us today?
  • How does the Ascension of Jesus show us that “heaven and earth” are meant to overlap?

The King Returns #42 – Beginning in a “New” Direction

Sermon date: December 29, 2024

Scripture: Matthew 28:8-20

Pastor Eric Sandberg

CGCM English Service

  • What Key Moments In the Hebrew Bible Help Lay a Foundation For Jesus Sends His Followers To Do?
  • What Does it Mean That Jesus is “Beginning to Reverse the Tower of Babel?” What “Name” Gathers People Together?
  • What Actions Do Jesus Specify as the Difference Between Emphasizing “Discipleship” Instead of “Decisions”?